Fantastic Four: What Might Marvel's Free 4-4 Day Comics Tell Us About the Movie?
The Fantastic Four hints at the movie's story with some free comics.
The Fantastic Four is celebrating 4-4 day with a fun fan poster and some comics recommendations. Yesterday brought massive news about the Marvel movie and it looks like today will be no different in that regard, as the company is teasing the plot of the MCU entry. Following a link from their Human Torch post on social media leads you to a page featuring Herbie and a 404 error. Upon further inspection, there's a sneaky QR code that leads you to another page from The Future Foundation. On this landing spot, the shape of these teases begins to take shape.
So, the assembled comics that Marvel is leading fans to are: Fantastic Four #1, Fantastic Four #48-50, and Fantastic Four: Life Story #1. Now those choices aren't at all arbitrary. For one, there's the definitive origin story for the heroes in the first issue. Then, there's the heralded Galactus story by Jack Kirby and Stan Lee that so many takes on these characters have tried to adapt. Then, Life Story #1 kind of mildly remixes those elements for the benefit of a modern readership. All of these are breadcrumbs for where Marvel Studios is taking The Fantastic Four.

The first issue is a no-brainer. Marvel has been very intentional about adhering to the classic elements of the character for their main MCU introduction. However, there are going to be a few curve balls in there as well. These comics pretty much have to be taken as a hint of what's to come for Marvel's First Family as they embark on their first MCU adventure.
Let's Start With Silver Surfer

As we mentioned above, yesterday saw the news of Julia Garner being cast as Shalla-Bal in the movie. The reports from the trades indiated that this version of the character would be a Silver Surfer in some capacity. Now, that's a slight deviation from the mainline comics. But, Shalla-Bal has so much to do with the Silver Surfer in the source material and, maybe more importantly Galactus.
The Fantastic Four have had numerous run-ins with the metallic herald in the comics. In Fantastic Four #48, Silver Surfer makes his first appearance and summons the big purple antagonist straight to Earth's doorstep. Now, a clue for what might be going on also exists within the little poster that Marvel put out today as well. That skyline behind The Human Torch absolutely looks futuristic in a way that the 1960s was not here in our world. So, is this an alternate universe and did the Silver Surfer ended up being Norrin Radd's lover in this corner of the multiverse? Sure, might be the case.
Joseph Quinn's Human Torch might have an even bigger role in this movie than we would first suspect. After all, Johnny Storm ends up being a noble sacrifice multiple times. When Galactus lands on Earth in the next issue, The Torch is sent on a mission to help avert the death of the entire planet. He retrieves The Ultimate Nullifier from Galactus's ship and it gives Reed Richards the edge he needs to make the Devourer of Worlds back off from Earth. It's all very compelling space opera stuff from the Surfer.
So, About Galactus… Is This An Alternate Earth?

Well, Shalla-Bal becomes a Silver Surfer in the Earth X continuity. So, that might be the first clue. The other obvious question to ask is how the Fantastic Four were around for decades, how come the only allusion we've gotten to them in the MCU is a nod from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness? Well, that's because our universe doesn't have one or they weren't really active in the same way? If they come from another universe, suddenly that little detail makes so much more sense.
Fantastic Four: Life Story being included in here also alludes to some fun changes to the MCU's version of the team. The conceit of Marvel's "Life Story" line is that the superheroes exist in real time. They will encounter historical beats similar to our world. However, they age over time and develop while working in elements of their comics history. That first teaser for The Fantastic Four made sure to include some elements to tip you off to the fact this was taking place in the 1960s. But, just because the time period trappings are familiar, that doesn't mean that everything is the same.
This is a bit of extra credit, but it needs stating here. The original logo for this movie also tipped its hand at the plot too. The very stylized 4 was made out of the ripples of a black hole. Time dilation through black holes could very well play a part of these temporal shenanigans in the movie. Galactus consuming worlds could prove to be a catalyst to throw the group through the multiverse into the MCU. In fact, their disappearance in the 1960s could be resolved through this kind of device in the main timeline too. It feels like fans should be getting ready to see more of The Multiverse in The Fantastic Four after today's new clues.
Do you think these stories tease what's happening with the movie? Let us know in the comments below!