One Piece Shares Legendary Preview For Episode 1100
Monkey D. Luffy and Rob Lucci are going to shake the earth in One Piece's 1100th episode.
One Piece is about to celebrate its 1100th anime episode with one of the biggest installments of the shonen series to date. As Future Island is rocked by the arrival of Rob Lucci, Monkey D. Luffy isn't too thrilled to see the member of the World Government. Thanks to Lucci eliminating one of the Straw Hat Pirates' new friends, Luffy is preparing to unleash some major power in fighting against the series villain. With the installment set to arrive shortly on the small screen, Toei Animation has released a new preview for the Grand Line-shattering episode.
While this might be the final saga of the Straw Hat Pirates according to creator Eiichiro Oda, this doesn't mean that One Piece is ending any time soon. As shonen fans have seen in the past, the major sagas of the beloved anime franchise have lasted for years, with a recent example being the Wano Arc and the war that brought it to an end. The Future Island Arc is only the opening salvo and as manga readers have seen, things are beginning to explode when it comes to Luffy and company facing down the many members of the World Government who are searching for Dr. Vegapunk.
One Piece Episode 1100 Will Be a Big One
As Luffy and Lucci prepare to face one another on the battlefield once again, both combatants have gained some serious power since their last confrontation. Thanks to the War For Wano Arc, Monkey now has the ability to call upon Gear Fifth, transforming himself into a living cartoon. For Rob's sake, the villain better have been doing some serious training in the background to compare to Luffy's current ultimate form.

Luffy's Gear Fifth might be the strongest technique in the Straw Hat Captain's repertoire to date, but it isn't an entirely invincible form. Much like Goku's Super Saiyan 3, it can drain the shonen hero's stamina quite quickly, though while he is in the state, it doesn't appear as though anything can truly hurt him. As we saw in his fight against Kaido, Luffy was able to brush off some serious attacks and spring back into action thanks to his cartoon-like attributes.
Do you think Rob Lucci stands a chance against Gear Fifth in One Piece's final saga? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Grand Line.