My Hero Academia: Memories Features New Anime Scenes
My Hero Academia's latest recap episode has some new material for anime fans.
My Hero Academia's seventh season premiere might be next month, but that isn't stopping the anime adaptation from sharing some fresh material for shonen fans awaiting the return of UA Academy. Starting today, My Hero Academia: Memories is a new special series that features a recap of events that have led up to the next season. While much of the material was already featured in earlier seasons, some new anime scenes explore both the characters of Deku and Shigaraki as the fight for Hero Society continues.
When last we left Class 1-A in the sixth season of My Hero Academia's anime, the students were struggling thanks to the events of the Paranormal Liberation War. Now that Shigaraki has the power of All For One, the League of Villains has used their newfound strength to jailbreak almost every villain in the world, including All For One himself. In attempting to hold together Hero Society, Deku took a dark path where he spent little time resting and used the power of One For All to fight back against society falling apart. Luckily, Midoriya was brought back to the fold of UA Academy, but this doesn't mean the fight is over for Class 1-A as season seven will demonstrate.

My Hero Academia's New Scenes
You can watch My Hero Academia: Memories on Crunchyroll now. The first recap episode features a scene of Midoriya chatting with the Vestiges of One For All inside of himself, promising to become a better hero to fight for the future. On the flip side, new scenes take the chance to focus on Shigaraki, who believes that as long as anyone remembers All Might, he will never be at peace. While Deku and Shigaraki will be at the forefront of season seven, expect some new characters to make some big waves in the fight for Hero Society's future.
Crunchyroll shared an official synopsis for the new recap episode that reads as such, "After the Quirkless Izuku Midoriya meets All Might, he becomes the successor to All Might's Quirk, One For All, which means he must eventually go up against All For One and Tomura Shigaraki."
What are your predictions for the seventh season of My Hero Academia? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of UA Academy.