Dragon Ball Super Unpacks the Source of Gohan's Beastly Power
Dragon Ball Super Chapter 103 explains where Gohan gets his Beast Mode power!
Dragon Ball Super has unleashed more of Gohan Beast with the newest chapter of the manga, and the chapter explained where Gohan gets all of his power from his new Beast Mode transformation! Dragon Ball Super has officially ended the Super Hero arc adapting the events of the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie with the manga's newest chapter, and it allowed the series to further flesh out the events of the movie with a special epilogue exploring everything that took place. This means that fans got to see Gohan used more of the Beast Mode transformation he had unlocked fighting Cell Max.
Dragon Ball Super's manga put Gohan Beast to a real test as he had a sparring match with Ultra Instinct Goku, and it was revealed that Gohan's new form had enough latent power within it to help keep up with Goku's strongest form. When Goku asked Gohan about how he handles all of this new power, Gohan explains that he's actually been tapping into all of the rage he's used throughout the years and pushed it all to the point just before he snaps and loses control completely. So he's constantly fighting on the border.

Dragon Ball Super: Gohan Beast Power Source Explained
Dragon Ball Super Chapter 103 sees Gohan and Goku fighting against one another, and Gohan is able to use Beast Mode to such a level that he's quickly able to catch up to Ultra Instinct and land a hit on Goku. It takes Goku by surprise, and Gohan explains that he boosted his ki to the point where he "might snap" but still maintains control. It's the way he's found to best draw out the power of this new form as best he can, and Gohan has finally found a way to really tap into all of his rage with this new power.
Whis elaborates on this form and explains that it's neither a Super Saiyan form nor a Godly technique, but instead is something unique to Gohan on his own. It's a talent that could have made him a prominent potential figure for a God of Destruction, but Gohan's held back nature means he wouldn't really bit fit for such a job despite how much destructive power he has on his own.
How do you feel learning more about Gohan Beast's power? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on X (formerly known as Twitter)!