Pokemon Go Bug Out Event Revealed
Pokemon Go is adding a new Mega Evolution, new avatar options, and more.
A new event is coming to Pokemon Go next week, just in time for the debut of a new Mega Evolution. The Bug Out event begins Friday, April 12th at 10 a.m. local time, and will see the game swarmed by Bug-type Pokemon. As Niantic teased last month, Mega Heracross will be making its Pokemon Go debut on April 13th, when it will begin appearing in Mega Raids. Players can also expect to see a whole bunch of Bugs appearing in the wild, including the following:
- Caterpie
- Combee
- Cutiefly
- Dwebble
- Kricketot
- Nincada
- Sewaddle
- Shuckle
- Weedle
- Wurmple
Other Bug-types will be appearing through Field Research task encounters, including Paras, Shelmet, and all three versions of Burmy (Plant Cloak, Sandy Cloak, and Trash Cloak). Additional Field Research tasks will reward players with Mega Energy for Mega Beedrill, Mega Pinsir, and Mega Scizor. Players will be able to get additional Mega Energy for these Pokemon by completing Bug-themed Collection Challenges, which will be going on throughout the event.
Burmy and Combee
While the Bug Out event is focusing on Bug-types as a whole, Burmy and Combee are getting a bit of extra focus. Through the end of the event, players will have an increased chance of encountering both of their Shiny forms. The game is also adding new avatar items based on both Pokemon. For Burmy, there will be three different earring options, with each one based on a different cloak type (sadly, you can't mix and match).
Like Burmy, Combee also has different looks, but in Combee's case, the Pokemon's appearance changes based on whether it's a male or female. The female Combee has a red mark on its bottom face, which tips players off about whether it can evolve into Vespiquen; Pokemon Go will be offering bags based on both gender variants. The avatar items based on Burmy and Combee will be made available during the event, but will continue to be offered in the shop after. An image of the new avatar items can be found below.

Pokemon Raids
In addition to Mega Heracross appearing in Mega Raids, Bug-type Pokemon will be appearing in one-star and three-star Raids. A new change has been made to Raids, and now when two or more players complete an in-person Raid, the Gym will see more Pokemon appearing around it for a 15 minute span. The change is somewhat similar to one that was made to Pokemon Go Community Days last year.
Last but not least, PokeStop Showcases will take place during the Bug Out event, but Niantic has offered no information on which Pokemon will be given the spotlight. Bug Out will come to an end on April 17th at 8 p.m. local time.
Are you planning to check out this event in Pokemon Go? What do you think of these new avatar items? Share your thoughts with me directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp or on Instagram at @Dachampgaming!