Pokemon Go Reveals Bellsprout Community Day
So what does Shiny Bellsprout look like?
Pokemon Go's Bagon Community Day Classic took place over the weekend, and Niantic has now revealed plans for the game's next major event. On Saturday, April 20th from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. local time, a Bellsprout Community Day will take place. The event will see the Grass/Poison-type appearing more frequently in the wild, and players will have an increased chance of locating a Shiny version. Shiny Bellsprout isn't too different from the standard coloration, with the most notable difference being that its leaf-like arms are a golden color, rather than the traditional green.
An image of Shiny Bellsprout can be found below.

Shiny Weepinbell's coloration is a bit more subtle, with a tint of green in its body as opposed to the normal yellow. Shiny Victreebel continues that color pattern, with a light green body, and blue lips. Its stem and leaves have also taken on a brown coloration.
Bellsprout Community Day Bonuses
When it comes to Community Day events, there's always a Featured Attack, and Bellsprout Community Day is no exception. Players that fully evolve Bellsprout during the event (or up to five hours after) will end up with a Victreebel that knows the Featured Attack Magical Leaf. Magical Leaf is a Fast Attack that has a power of 10 in Trainer Battles, and 16 in Gyms and Raids. Players should have an easier time getting that Victreebel, as the game will offer double Candy on Catches during Community Day hours. All Catches will result in triple Stardust, and players over level 31 will have a doubled chance of getting Candy XL. Lure Modules or Incense used at any point during the event will last for a total of 3 hours.
Players that won't have a chance to participate during normal Community Day hours can find Weepinbell in four-star Raids between 5 p.m. and 10 p.m. local time. These Raids can only be completed locally, but players that are successful will see the Gym swarmed with Bellsprout for 30 minutes after, and Shiny Bellsprout will appear in the same frequency it would during the Community Day event. Pokemon Go has actually started to make this a thing outside of Community Day, with this week's Bug Out event similarly rewarding players that participate in local Raids with two or more players. Readers can learn more about that change right here.
Pokemon Go's Next Community Day
Bellsprout Community Day is actually the second last in the current season. Earlier this year, Niantic released a full list of this season's Community Day events, though it did not include which Pokemon will be in the spotlight each day. Following Bellsprout, the next Community Day event will be held on May 19th. There are also events planned for April 28th and May 11th, but Niantic has offered no specific details just yet.
Are you excited about Bellsprout Community Day? Do you plan on participating in this month's event? Share your thoughts with me directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp or on Instagram at @Dachampgaming!